Friday, September 30, 2005

So Much Fun!

Today I had absolutely no intentions of teaching public speaking for 45 minutes. I stead, I had the brliilant idea to bring in a taped speech.
The girls loved it.
I brought in a great speech on "suffering" by one of my favorite speakers, and told the girls they had to write notes. I told the girls that we'd be doing this a couple of times throghout the year, and that we would eventually compare different speakers, and their techniques.
I walked into class, turened on my boom box, and sat through the entier lesson, stopping occaisionally to rewind and interesting part, or to explain someting the speaker may have said unclearly.
We only got through half the tape byt the timt the bell rang, but that is fine with me. This means I get to waste another whole lesson!!!
I also described to the girls the kind of speeches they would be giving as sonn as the Yamim Tovim were over,and they were really excited.
I was excited too. As soon as they start giving their speeches, my year is done! I won't have to teach a single thing anymore. Yippee!!

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