Monday, December 19, 2005


Sunday was a short day and the principal was extremely nice to me.
Today she woke up with blotches on her face, and didn't come to school! It was as if Chanukah came early! The teachers were so relaxed and happy, it was truly a beautiful sight to see! ;)
The sixth grade math teacher was going around collecting money so that we could buy the principal a nice present for Chanukah. I would rather give up a day's vacation than give her a present.
Actually, vacation would be nice, I'll have to remember to bring the money in tomorrow.
I got a note requesting that I call S.G.L's mother, and I did, as soon as I got home.
I don't know what to think about S.G.L. anymore.
She sits in my class looking miserable, and lately she began going against the school rules. It's obvious that she needs a lot of attention, and her mother thought so too, but this is negative attention she's trying to get. Two days ago she was chewing gum in my class, I had to send her out because of her missing a book, and teachers have had to yell at her for wearing a hooded sweater.
Today I had to make her face front a couple of times in class, and I had to literally open her book for her. She refused to do anything in my class. It's not only me, the other teachers are worried too.
The mother also sees that she's upset, and S.G.L. told her mother that she feels I'm picking on her. I wish she would see what she's doing to make me single her out.
The mother told me that her older daughter's best friend is starting to "go off" and is on the verge of being kicked out of school. She was worried that this was maybe having an effect on her daughter. I'm sad to say it, but I agree.
If the girl can't get positive attention by being smart and doing well in school, she'll be forced to look for attention elsewhere. In her mind, she sees her sister's friend as the epitome of negative attention, and she seems to be trying to get attention in the same way.
Something must be done. I know that the school arranged to have her talk to the school guidance counselor, but I think she needs real, professional help.
Another thing the mother said that really got ma angry, was that the reason they didn't get a tutor for her when she needed one, was because her son had a tutor, and it was costing them too much money to get another tutor. That wasn't the bad part. What got me mad was when she told me that her son didn't really need the tutor, her husband wanted one for him so that he can be top in his class. Her husband didn't feel that his daughter's education was so important, and he said he'd tutor her himself.
Understandably, he'd never get around to it, and she continued to suffer. He's the one against having her evaluated now, and his girl's confidence and happiness is going down the drain.
Male chauvinist! Even my husband has to agree with that one!

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