Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Stinkin ELA

I'm still at home; didn't go to school yet, but I have a P.S. for last night's post.
I marked the ELA part one last night, and my student's average was a 19/26. Not a single girl got a 26, but T.T. came close with a 25, and M.S. and C.S.P. and D.S.W. came close with a 25.
C.F.C. got a 20, but R.S. got something like a 13 or 14.
M.S. and T.B.N. got a 12.
I'm not happy...
I also checked to see which questions were gotten wrong the most frequently, and it turned out that the skills lacking in my class are those of understanding context clues ( determining the meaning of a word based on the sentence around it), and identifying the purpose for reading, and thinking about what they have read.
Know what? I didn't need the ELA evaluation to tell me that.
C.F.C.'s crying yesterday, and the way half the class does on their tests and written work showed me the context thing a long time ago. And propose for reading was blatantly obvious when I had given them passages to read in history (on their tests) and they had no clue what they were saying.
That doorknob mark on my forehead is throbbing.
I forgot t o mention yesterday that C.F.C. came over to me after the practice E.L.A. to tell me that she knew she was bad at this type of testing because when she had been tested by the Board of Ed, they had told her so.
I think she just needs as many excuses as she can get, because she's always coming over to me with excuses like this.
But I think that if this is really true, those people at the Board of Ed deserve to be punched for telling the kid about her issues.
It's not wonder I have kids walking around the halls with big "I have issues" signs around their necks. Our stupid school system advocates it!
Anyway, I'm done typing the yearbook stuff, and I did a word count check for each girl. They were each supposed to write an article of about 150-250 words. They all pretty much accomplished that, though some girls like D.F. just wrote the same word over and over for "poetic effect" ----my foot.
C.F.C. and R.S. wrote a 70 word poem together and that's all they handed in. I divided the word count between them, and I will make them each write another 130 words for this flipping yearbook.
Why am I the one stuck with all this?
I decided that I can get paid a lot more and get a lot more recognition doing private tutoring or doing makeup.
Two things are holding me back.
1. Did I prepare and work so hard to get into this field for nothing? I can't bear to give up everything I just worked so hard for.
2. I do love what I do most of the time. If I quit just to make more money and get some recognition, will I be considered a sell-out?

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