Thursday, September 22, 2005

End of the Week

The most interesting thing that happened Wednesday, was when the principal came over to comment on my teaching. According to her, I'm a born teacher, and that she loved to watch me. She said that the girls seemed to love me, and that she would love to come observe me more in the future. Goody.
Actually, we did have a great current events lesson in 7a today. We were talking about the rising oil prices because of hurricane Katrina, and I was telling the class about all the different things it would effect. We spoke about how the prices of heating, electric, and filling up our cars would go up. The class began discussing some ideas on how to cut down on how much oil we used, and M.R. came up with a funny idea. In all seriousness, she asked why we didn't go back to using horses as a means of transportation.
The class was in stitches. It was just so funny, I had to laugh too. I started running some scenarios of kids coming to school on horses. We chose a girl to be in charge of checking up on the horses and feeding them every recess....And then came the next idea. M.R. wanted to know why we didn't use fireplaces anymore.
So we pictured a fireplace where the air conditioner was located, and B.E.D. became the monitor who was supposed to keep the fire running at all times. R.R. was in charge of going to Alaska on horseback to bring us the wood for the fire. We wondered if she'd come back before seventh grade was over... M.R. got the picture in the end!
Thursday was the kind of day you just want to end. I was dead tired because of a wedding I had gone to the night before, and I wasn't too sure that I could keep my eyes open all day.
We did a spelling test, some literature, (finally finished my first story!) and of course, history.
When I went into 7b, The class reminded me that it was CCK's birthday, (I had once been in a good enough mood to promise that we'd sing her "happy birthday) so we sang to her! The kid was so embarrassed, but thrilled. It seems babyish, but the class was good about it, and it got the period off to a great start. The kids were just great all day. Both classes were participating beautifully, and I was in a pretty great mood until it came to 12th grade.
As well as my class went last week, I still was nervous. I had very little time to prepare. I also found a horrid, embarrassing mistake on one of the sheets I had planned to give out that afternoon, and I obsessed about it all morning. I managed to fix the sheet before it was run off, so that worked out ok. I basically learned to overprepare so that I have enough to say for 45 minutes. I tried doing that, and I did go over the bell, but I don't think the lesson was very interesting. Oh well.
I was just looking forward to the weekend. But I ended up staying in the teacher's room until 6, just to talk with some of the other teachers. A great way to end off my week.

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