Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Everybody hates Monday

Ok. The title caught your attention,but the day was actually quite great!
I went and showed the principal the binder I had made, and some of the sheets I typed up, and she literally became teary.
She was so touched at the thought of my working hard for this girl, she said that if there would be such a thing as an honor roll for teachers, I would be on it. I wanted to laugh, but I won't lie to you by saying I wasn't pleased.
I had gone to the principal along with my co-teacher, and when we walked out of there, my co told me she was awed.
She seemed to think the principal respected me. She said that this principal was treating me like I was important.
Personally, I believe it's because I don't come to ask her things, I come to tell her things. I think that when you come with confidence, people are more likely to treat you with respect. So I guess my strategy worked. I refuse to give in to everything, so eventually, people realize I have my own voice. It's a nice feeling. ...Especially when all the other teachers are crazy jealous of you!

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