Thursday, November 10, 2005

Curriculum Meeting

The principal wanted me to stay after school today for a curriculum meeting.
Actually, she had wanted to meet with me for the past week, but I was busy, and couldn't stay after school. Would you believe that she wanted me to cancel some of the things that I was busy with to talk to her? I pushed her off for as long as I could, but I figured Wednesday was as far as I could push it.
Turns out, today worked out just fine.
My husband had a business meeting today, and so I figured it would be fine to do curriculum planning after school. But this morning, the principal called to tell me that she was busy with PTA, so she would only be able to give me an overview of the curriculum in the afternoon that would only take about 20 minutes of my time.
So right after school, I found her in the office, but the eighth grade teacher needed to speak to the principal, so I let her go first. I figured that 20 minutes wouldn't be 20 minutes so it wouldn't be fair to make the other teacher wait. Turns out, the eighth grade teacher took a lot more than just 20 minutes herself. I managed to finish reading an entire book during the time I waited.
Finally, I went in for my meeting, and I guessed right, it did take much longer than 20 minutes. Try like and hour. Or maybe an hour and a half. Or more.
By the time I got home, it was almost seven p.m.
And this was only an OVERVIEW!
Problem is, I'm completely lost, overwhelmed, annoyed, and angry. I keep being hit by the same question. How does this principal expect me to teach what takes a public school 8 hours to cover, in less than an hour and a half a day?!?
I think I've learned an important lesson today. Nod and smile, and then do whatever you want.

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