I was nervous about coming back after a great vacation. I got back to America early yesterday morning.
My co had already called me last night to update me on her problems with C.O.
Her mother had come down to school ready for a fight. I knew it would happen, but I didn't think it would be that bad. After all, the principal was backing us, (for once,) and she would be in the room to keep everything going smoothly.
It didn't quite turn out that way.
First of all, Mrs. O. came about an hour late to the meeting. This set my co really on edge. She was nervous as it was, and this messed up her schedule so she had even more to worry about, and more time in which to do so.
When she was finally called in to the office, they had to rush 'cause the principal had to go around to the classrooms to hand out the report cards.
My co was left alone in the office with C.O. and her mother, and basically, nothing got accomplished.
She was very upset, and the principal had wanted her to write up a contract for C.O. outlining clear and specific rules she had to listen to.
This morning, my co and I were on the phone making up the contract, when my co got a call from C.O.'s mother.
She said that C.O. was very upset over her whole vacation, and she really wanted to go into the new term with a fresh start, but she felt it wasn't possible because she felt that her teacher hated her.
They worked it out over the phone and we came to school hopeful of a change.
It was great to be back to school. Back to the work, the stress, the late nights, the criticism, and of course, the girls.
S.G.L. was as sullen as ever, and I began believing that her friend M.R. was a little torn as to what to do with her. I discussed it with the other teachers, and we agreed to look into it further.
I had three girls come over to me to ask me about their history project mark. That was the group in 7b that had left L.K. to do all the work herself and ended up embarrassing her in front of the class.
I had given L.K. an A- on the project, and the rest of the girls a B+.
C.S. really didn't deserve it, it was really only for T.K. and E.T. They were all in it together though, so I had to give it to all of them.
I told them that I had extra credit for them to do if they wanted to raise their marks, but they had to do it together, because that was the issue I was trying to address.
Right away T.K. said she wouldn't do it. She wouldn't give me a reason, even when I spoke to her privately. I asked her to think about the rest of the group, but she said she wouldn't change her mind.
I went to the principal, (which would usually be against my better judgment) and surprisingly, she listened and even agreed with me. Something has definitely come over her. I'm just wondering how long it will last.
She didn't like T.K.'s attitude, but she agreed that I shouldn't let the other girls make up their marks without her.
YAY! One for me!
I spoke about S.G.L. with her. She also vowed to get more involved, and promised to look into the friendship with M.R. as well.
G.S. switched into the 7b class! We were excited about it, we thought it would do her well. Unfortunately, she adapted all too quickly, and she's not much better in my opinion. My co is in love with her and she refuses to see what I see.
Oh well.
E.F.G. was supposed to switch out of the class into the 7a class, but it hasn't happened yet.
I'm not so sure I'm very happy about her switching. She has a very exclusive friendship with D.T. in that class, and I think that it's the best thing for them to be separated for at least half the day. Putting them together would just add to the intimidation the class already feels around the two "geniuses" of the grade.
I introduced a new writing topic to them. It's a biography unit called "Connecting Lives." I think it's way too much for a seventh grade, but the curriculum is not up to me. I tried to make it sound as exciting as possible, and I even spent loads of time typing up a syllabus for them on this.
I remember being upset at doing the syllabus in the beginning of the year for the "Letter to Self," and I really am very proud that I managed to teach the class how to listen and take notes without me having to spoon-feed it to them. I made the syllabus here, because I am purely lazy, and I have no patience going over this with them 100 times until they get it straight. And the truth is, the syllabus made this whole project easier for me to understand.
I hope it works out well.
I told the girls to do their index cards for tomorrow, because we weren't in school Monday. I am so hooked on these index cards. I think it's the most brilliant idea I've had all year!
While I was thinking a bit before, I realized that I had sort of let B.E.D. fall to the side. I noticed she's been smiling lately, and I'm really happy about that. I must make sure to giver her some attention tomorrow.