Wednesday, January 25, 2006

History Overload

History is one of my strong points. Ok, well so are science and writing. Um, come to think of it, I'm good with everything as long as it isn't math.
But getting to my day.
I had promised the girls a review game for their history test tomorrow, but I had set a goal for myself of teaching them an entire aim in history first. I found this really condensed summary of the history I'm teaching, and I was ready to put it to use.
Problem was, there are a lot of topics squeezed into that summary, and I didn't count on class 7b who kept peppering me with questions all day.
The reason I'm doing this is because I made up my mind to start and finish this entire chapter in 5 days.
During my meeting with the principal, I had come to realize how behind I was in history, and the principal mapped out a course for me. She basically wanted me to finish a chapter a week in history from now on.
Keep in mind that until now, from September to January, I have only managed to cover 5 chapters.
I see where I've gone wrong and I could've speeded it up, but I didn't think her goal of finishing all this material up so soon was realistic.
I decided that I would give it a shot anyway, and I ultra condensed my already summarized lesson.
It took a full hour instead of the usual 45 minutes, but I got it done. In both classes. It was draining, and I made a mistake in one class that I better make sure to fix tomorrow, but it was satisfying.
If I can finish this chapter by this time next week, I'm going to Florida on vacation!
Wait a minute, I'm already going to Florida.
Oh well, I guess I'll just get a manicure instead.
I think the real test will come when I actually finish the chapter and see how much the girls retained. I'm really forcing them to stay on their toes in order to keep up with this pace.
Let's just hope that I have the stamina to keep this up. The principal is good at expecting the impossible. And I'm terrible for trying so hard, and not proving her expectations wrong.
But the truth is, I would like to do this, even if only for a week, just to see if I can do it.
'Cause hey, you can't live a full life unless you're ready to try everything at least once; right?
So then, after this tiring history lesson, we still had a history game.
The students were enjoying the game, but I was in history overload. I needed a break.
The 4:15 bell couldn't ring soon enough today.
I ran all the way home, (down the block) and got on the computer to make up my "special" history test, for my "weaker" students.
The "special" test is usually just a list of questions, but this time I added some skills as well. I added a matching and a "fill in the chart" section. I know that the girls are going to cry tomorrow during their test, but I've really had with them.
They're 5 girls who really are sitting on my shoulders, expecting me to carry them, while enjoying the view.
I can't keep doing that.
I'm ready to work harder to come up with a better test but they have to work harder to get closer to the lever they're supposed to be at. If they're not even trying, than there's no point in me doing all the work for them. It's not going to lead anywhere except to more frustration when they'll meet a teacher who won't do all of this for them.
Rather get that wake-up-call now than to get it when you're older and it's not as easy to do something about it.
Whatever it is that I'm feeling right now, all I can really say is that between teaching, playing, and updating the history on my blog, I've had me enough history to last quite a while.
Now I need to go treat myself to some ice cream.