I had a meeting with the principal today.
You know what, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be.
I am behind in curriculum, and we tried to map everything out on a calendar. I still have to meet with her tomorrow to go over my literature curriculum.
Of course, I can't leave the prinicpal's office without hearing some criticism, so here it is.
She's onto my personality again. I'm too spunky and spontaneous. I come across as the girls' older sister rather than their teacher. The truth is, I can she where that's a bad thing, but I am aware of this so-called problem since the first time she brought it up. I know it's something I'll have to work on, but it's annoying to keep getting it shoved in your face.
Anyway, I got out of her office 2 minutes before class, and I ran around to find a copy of Paul Revere's Ride. I then realized I was starving as I hadn't yet eaten, but there was no food to be found anywhere, so when the bell rang I ran into class hungry.
I finished the chapter in history, and then I divided the girls into writing groups. They actually managed to work well! I was thrilled!
Of course, three girls already came over to complain to me about their groups. I expected that. Tomorrow I have to speak to the classes about not bossing each other around, and treating each other with respect.
I read and answered index cards while the writing was going on. We had some interesting ones this week, but nothing major.
S.G.L. wrote how happy she is in English, but she HATES her Hebrew teachers.
M.R. told me about her father who lives in England with his wife. He just had a baby with her and they named her the same name as her mother's new baby.
It took me a minute to figure out what she was trying to say, but I got it.
G.S. wrote, "My head hurts."
I totally don't get her sometimes.
It was a long day, but not much really happened.