Saturday, February 25, 2006

Melaveh Malka, and a Lot of Money

My co's and I all went to school tonight to watch our students perform.
They were cute, even though their performances made us laugh. There was a dance, and a choir and a little play.
S.G.L., M.R., R.R., L.K., C.S.A., and some other girls had solos in the choir. They were pretty good actually.
B.E.D. was on dance, and she was smiling so nicely! We were all so happy for her.
T.K. was also in dance, and she was bossing everyone around stage. Typical.
The play was silly, but the girls worked hard.
T.K. in 7b wasn't in anything. She dropped out. All the teachers were bothered by that.
C.O. also dropped out. But she did it because it was beneath her dignity to perform with the seventh graders. She stayed in the back to be with the eighth graders.
This melaveh malka was very nice, it looked like the girls were having a good time.
After watching a cute slideshow, my co and I went to the supermarket to buy the goodies to fill our mishloach manos for the students.
We spent and hour and a half picking out the "nosh" and then an other two hours having panic attacks about the costs.
it does come out to a lot. If you spend two dollars per girl, it already comes out to $65. We tried to keep it under $2. The nosh itself cost $1.07, and with a container and maybe something else, it'll come out to just under two. Perfect.
I wonder if they include all this in our paycheck this month.
Yeah right.

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