Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Looking Up

Hey, I'm back again. You readers are getting lucky, two posts in one day!
My birthday is winding down, but my day is looking up. My co just called. She's engaged!
I'm so happy for her. Of all the people out there she deserves it a lot. It was my Hebrew birthday yesterday and I gave her a bracha that she should get engaged very soon.
I guess wishes do come true sometimes. It was the best birthday news I could've gotten.
Now it's only my English birthday, but I'd still like to squeeze a bracha in for her.
I wish her all the best, and may she and her chosson build a ba'ayis ne'eman b'yisrael together.
I'm not very good at these brachos things, but I'm sure she will understand how happy I am for her.

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