Thursday, September 07, 2006

Second Day

I was a little nervous to walk in today, I wasn't sure if I was ready to carry through all of my rules and be good about checking homework and reviewing, but it all worked out fine,
The seventh grade was a little more lebedik today, and the eighth was just as much fun as they were yesterday.
The girls all described their rooms and their sisters because I was teaching about sensory detail charts; so I got to know quite a lot about my girls. It was more fun for me than for them.
8th again got far in history and 7th just finished their first aim. I explained about my index cards and my journal system, and they all seemed to get it.
I gave written homework for Monday, and I hope I have the patience to check and mark them all....Vacation is totally over. Whaaaa!
My brother's bar mitzvah is tonight, so I won't even be busy with schoolwork till Monday. I have tomorrow and Sunday off this week.
I'm so lucky!

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