Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Going Back

Okay, my 6 weeks of leave is up today, so that means tomorrow I'm going back to teach.

I spoke to my sub, and she pretty much told me where she was up to in each class. I took my notes out but I have no head to begin preparing now.

Also, because I wasn't there for 6 weeks, the lessons are on the schedule I had in mind all year. So now we are going into Pesach vacation and I'm going to be stuck in the middle of a chapter. There is no way I can come back after Pesach and give them a test on what they've learned before.

Oh well.

At this point I don't really care. I have a cute JB baby, and he's my first priority. I'll figure out a way to deal with the tests and marks as I get into the teaching again.

I've been working my bum off on this Holocaust book for my 8th grade, and it's finally getting somewhere. I still have some more articles to add, but I'm pretty much done I think. Actually, pretty much done usually means I'll be up till 2 am for the next 4 weeks, but anyways...

I don't really know what I will do with the baby when I'm teaching, but for the next week he's going to be dumped on his aunt and his father.

I'm so nervous to go back to teach, but I know it will be good for me to get back into my regular life.

Keep you updated!


Anonymous said...

hey stinker dont have too much fun.

Anonymous said...

what are u doing about day care for jb?

Anonymous said...

how was how was how was