Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last Days Before Pesach

Monday was a stupid kind of day where I just gave open notes tests in both classes.

CFC got on my last nerve when she got upset about getting in the 80's. I hate having to curve her marks just so that she can go home happy. I put my foot down and refused to give her anything more than she deserved. She was not happy.

Recess time I played belts with the girls and they were thrilled about it. I myself enjoyed it too.

My co left early because she wasn't feeling well and I had the feeling that I was going to be the only 8th grade teacher coming in Tuesday when the 8th grade was off.

Seventh grade didn't finish their tests- even though it was open notes. I was not happy.

We had a meeting in school with a reading specialist who is going to wreck all my literature lessons from now on with her idea of the "politically correct" way of teaching students. ARGH,

She was from Australia and without realizing it, when she came into my class, I sort of began copying her. She wasn't so happy, but then AS, who had been listening to our entire conversation, promised up and down that I always spoke with an accent.

Cute kid.

So then the specialist wanted to know where I was from. Oh great. I just told her I didn't want to talk about it in front of the class. It got her to shut up for a bit.

Tuesday I WAS the only 8th grade teacher who didn't have a day off. Steam was coming out of my ears the entire bus ride to school.

During recess I played belts with the 7th grade and fooled around like one of them. I even gave them an extra 20 minutes of outdoor recess. I told them it was so they could enjoy the weather, but really it was because I didn't have what to teach them. ;)

In class SE, who is my cutie and knows it decided she was walking out because she had finished her test yesterday and didn't want to sit around and wait for everyone else to be done. I threatened to fail her if she left early.

She didn't believe me and started walking out. I smiled and picked up her paper and started to rip it up. She smiled back and sat down and shut up for the rest of the afternoon.

I let the girls listen to this cute phony call I had brought in on CD with a girl talking about a school in Dublin because they had learned about the place in geography.

After the test, I gave them a quiz to see who remembered the list I had taught them to memorize last week. Majority of the girls did really nicely.

Last 10 minutes of the day I read them from the book the sub had started reading to them. Then was dismissal!

Free till the middle of April!


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