Thursday, May 10, 2007

Just Another Day

Yesterday I had the funniest mishap.

I drive my husband to work in the mornings because I take the car to school in the afternoon. Yesterday, I woke up early and got dressed and even packed up the baby, and then my husband tells me that he doesn't need me to drive him because his friend was going to give him a ride.

Come 11:45 and I need to leave the house but I can't. I call the husband is stitches, hardly able to talk through my laughter and ask him if he still has the car keys in his pocket.

He did.

Funny man didn't see why it was a problem that he had the keys and I had the car on the OTHER END OF TOWN!

He asked me to walk over and get them and then walk back to the car. I had 3 teachers at my door waiting for a ride and to my DH's office, it's at least a 25 minute walk not counting the way 80 degree weather.

I decided to take a car service with the other teachers, when DH called me back that his friend was going to rush over with the keys.

We teachers waited outside and the guy pulls up in my father in law's car and throws the keys out the open window before speeding off.

I try to unlock my car and I cant. I call up the friend and ask him if he drives a Toyota. He asked me how I knew. I told him I was holding his keys.

He had to come on back, actually stop the car this time, take the keys from me, give me the keys I needed and then speed off.

We got to school on time anyway.

In 8th grade I decided to let the girls do their editorials all day, and I sat and relaxed. Then I stopped letting them ask questions because it was disrupting every time a girl raised her hand. Whenever a question was asked the class decided it was discussion time.

At the end of the day, I gave out sheets of our next lesson in history and told the girls to prepare it as if they were in high school. I'm hoping that today when I get into class we can speed through the aim. I want to really finish my curriculum with time to spare.

Recess time I ran 3 blocks to the post office and waited 25 minutes on line, only to discover I had packaged the whole thing wrong, had to repackage it, wait another 10 minutes on line, pay $18.50 and shipped the yearbook disc to the printer. FINALLY!

Ran back to school, and totally blacked out in the office. I have a knack for embarrassing myself.

The secretary wanted to send me home, but I was already 20 minutes late for my class, and there was only an hour left to school, so I walked in, still out of breath and started teaching.

I got two aims done with 20 minutes to spare. I had nothing else to teach because I honestly hadn't believed I could teach it all so fast.

We spent the rest of the period schmoozing.

DA today was a monster. My co had to send her out to the principal because she deliberately disobeyed her 3 times. After she got back from the principal she did the same thing.

My co told her that she wondered where this chutzpa was coming from, and after having met her parents, she knew it was not from them. LOL my co cracks me up.

It's such a shame. DA was one of the best in the class in September, and now, after hanging out with CSS and her crew, she's a terror. I dunno. If I were here next year I'd think of something to do, but I'm not going to be there for them come 8th grade.

It makes me so sad.

I sat down to mark some essays and turns out that 3 days after it's due, 5 girls still hadn't handed it in. I could kill.

What is wrong with the 7th grade. I'm going to take a full grade off their final copies for failing to hand in their drafts. Can't wait to get the red pen out!

I was looking at RA's handwriting yesterday, and having been into graphology since I was 12, I thought it might be interesting to look at it in that way (because I couldn't read it any other way!) Kid has a waaay chaotic background. :(

I didn't learn anything I didn't already know, but it was interesting to see it reflected in her writing.

Just another day, ready for another one? I dunno... only about 21 days left to school!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog!

You sound like a great, intelligent teacher....

LOL @ the car drama...

Good Shabbos