Thursday, November 17, 2005

Same Old, Same Old

Wednesday is the kind of day where everything sort of blends together, and you're not sure what's happening anymore. It's too far into the week care about anything. Even my students feel the same way.
It was a rushed morning, I had an appointment in New Jersey, and I barely made it back to school on time, but I made it.
My 7a class is really livening up, and G.S. is at the helm of their ship!
When I started teacheing history, G.S. and the rest of the class groaned. G.S. aked if we could do something different for a change. So I told her top come up to the front of the class, and start teaching.
She came up, but of course she souldn't think of a thing to say, besides picking up a paper and telling the class that it was pink.
It was the break the class needed, and we had a succesful day.
I ran home to be there on time for the pharmacy delivery (I have an EAR INFECTION!! I haven't had one sinceI was 2!) and I sat down and began doing school work. I did school work until 11:30 at night! I revised a history test, made up a literature test, created a histoy sheet on the explorers, marked spelling tests, and did a bunch of other things for school.
I cannot believe I get paid $534.10 a month.

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