Sunday, April 02, 2006

Projects in Progress

We moved the clock last night, so it meant one less hour of sleep for me. Considering that I went to bed at 2, which turned out to be 3, and had to wake up at 7, that really didn't leave me a lot of zzzz time.
School wasn't so bad. We spent the entire morning collating the paper. We had problems with our stapler, but in the end it turned out fine. I really wanted the paper to be spiral bound, but so far the school didn't approve. I have to keep working on it.
I was missing 5 girls in one class and 3 in the other. We always have kids coming late on Sunday, but now, because we moved the clock, we had more than our usual share.
The teachers are trying to convince the principal to cancer school on the Sunday after Pesach. No other school begins on Sunday. And we teachers do not want to get out of bed that early.
We'll keep trying!

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