Sunday, May 28, 2006

Principal's In, I'm Out

I was looking over some posts I wrote in November, and I noticed one where I mentioned that I wanted to take off on Thanksgiving. I was too much of a goody two shoes to actually take a day off then.
Well, this week it's happening all over again, and this time I'm so taking a break. The market is closed tomorrow so my husband is taking off, and he convinced me to play hooky with him. I didn't even have to think about it. I already have a job in another school and I don't really care what happens anymore in this one. I arranged to teach two history lessons today so that I can take off tomorrow.
During davening I made up a review sheet for the aim I want the girls to read to themselves tomorrow, and on the way to the office I bumped into the principal.
She's so back.
I handed her some other papers I wanted her to approve, and of course, she had problems with three of them. She didn't like the spelling on one, the content in the editorial, and she hated the eighth grade piece.
I didn't approve the covers or my editorial yet, but I have a feeling I'm just going to get them copied without her permission. I can't have her breathing down my back when she doesn't put a finger in cold water for this paper.
I taught history, aims three and four of chapter 16. It'll be a tight squeeze to make it to the final but I hope I can fit it all in.
Whatever the case is, I'm taking off tomorrow. I'm going shopping!

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