Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Ok, in response to some curious anonymous posters who insist on driving me nuts.... I was the one driving the car. The other guy was driving a black car on a dark road without headlights. I wanted to make a left turn at a stop sign and I didn't see him, and he was going too fast to stop for me so he rammed into the driver's side of my jeep.

My bumper was sprayed across the road and my huge jeep was hit with such force that even though I was trying to turn left, my car ended up facing right. The other passenger in my car and myself were not hurt, just shaken (and terrified of calling my husband.. LOL) and the guy in the other car was fine too.

He was actually very nice about the whole thing, and waited for my husband to come all the way out to Staten Island (where we had crashed) to deal with the insurance and stuff.

I was not hurt from the accident, but I did go into labor because of it. They managed to stop it; though I'm still having contractions from then. I've been on pain meds all week, and that's why I titled this post "Butterfingers."

Pain meds and teaching should not mix. Although I hold off on the meds till late at night, the effect of it lasts through the day, and teaching while your head feels like it's underwater is not a good idea.

My head is fuzzy and my words are slurred, and I feel like my classes are slipping through my fingers. I can't hold their attention very well now. I'm so sluggish and not on the ball. Hence the title "Butterfingers."

I gave the ELA in 8th grade today, so I had free time to organize my life. All I really wanted to do was put my head down on the desk and sleep, but no such luck.

I was busy instead organizing sheets for my sub, and preparing a bunch of things I needed. I had to make a million to do lists of things that still needed to get done before Jellybean arrived. I'm so overwhelmed....

7th grade was torture. I bored myself to tears teaching about the Bill of Rights. I hurried through it and then taught them a song to help them memorize it. I put the song to the tune Yankee Doodle, so I didn't have to sing along much with them, because they were able to put the words to the tune fairly easily.

Biggest mistake with that tune is that it tends to get on your nerves. And when your nerves are as frayed as mine are, and your mind is as waterlogged as mine is, the tune gets to you much quicker.

The seventh grade informed me that Hebco had scheduled two tests for the very two days I had reserved for my tests next week. I am so upset. I have no energy to confront her, and yet I feel bad giving my students the tests the same day. I think I'm going to have to be the good one here and push off one test till after vacation. I'm not happy about it though.

Thank goodness class was over soon. I just dumped a load of homework on them, and ran to the office to find a ride home. My husband has been so amazing with this car crash and everything, and he offered to come and pick me up from school; which is at least a 30 minute drive from where he works. I felt bad making him come out all the way to me, and I managed to find a ride with another teacher.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to take the bus to and from work and see how it goes. I feel so lonely and helpless without the car....Whaaa!

Tonight I have to make up three history tests (starting to go ahead to be prepared for the sub) and prepare the first part of the literature book for 8th grade, and I also have to mark their biographies....HELP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im not leaving any comment today i dont want u feeling like we are driving u nuts lol.
at least we know the story u were blabing around ur car .